If you are a first time voter and wondering how to go about the registration process, click here.
Here are the requirements.
For other details and to download the forms you would be needing, click here.
Now here is where you can have yourselves enlisted.
You have until October 31, 2009 for that.
And to those who have already voted in the past but are having the grave misfortune of going through 5ish years of rule that stinks big time, congratulations. Thank you also for your invaluable effort to shape the nation through your votes. Please do not lose hope in our people and in our country. Please, make yourselves heard again come May 2010. We can still do this!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Are there really second chances?
It would have been more painful; or perhaps crippling; fatal, even. But I came out of it whole, with nothing but a bruise and a scratch the size of a one peso coin to remind me I am one lucky girl. It is one of the more freaky coincidences that a friend (who didn't know anything yet) sent me the youtube link of this video -
I suppose it's God's way of telling me yet again that everything can be take from me, my breath including, with just one swift motion.
Precy and I made a pact never to tell anyone about my little accident in Macau. But then I had to tell my sister about it the same night. And here I am, writing about it.
You know how it is in right-hand traffic countries....
I, coming from a lefty country, by muscle recall and thoughtlessness in doing something very routinary of course looked to the left first before crossing the street. KABOOOOOOM!!!
I heard a loud banging sound. My water bottle flew in the air and landed a couple of meters away from me. The lady on the passenger seat looked at me with her jaw dropped, apparently terrified by what just happened. It took a while for me to realize I have been freaking hit by a car. The driver of the car got down (Precy had to help me recall this part of the story as I was majorly disoriented right after the incident) to check on me but what he said, aside from being indecipherable Chinese, simply slurred out of my consciousness. I instinctively just looked at my body, checking for its parts, making sure the limbs were still properly attached to the torso. But because my eyes were strained by the punishing summer heat and because I was still in shock, I did not get to check for bleeding, not that there was any. The last thing I checked before sending the driver away, absolved from his (my) carelessness was my camera. I did not remember a lot of things then but it was clear to me that Diesel (my SLR) got hit. After testing a few photos and seeing the preview function was still working, I immediately dismissed the driver who was obviously in great disbelief as I was. That was it. I did not get his ID, nor took note of his car plate. I just thought I'm lucky to be alive. If there was any reason for me to see a doctor, I figured I can just pay for it. Literally just a small price to pay for having my life spared.
I was still a little agitated during the ferry trip back to Hong Kong later that evening so I messaged my bestfriend, asking her to say a little prayer of gratitude for me. Her reply hit it spot on when she said buti na lang listo ang guardian angel mo. If there were a good way of getting hit as a pedestrian, that was probably it. (Twisted, huh?)
If i were to sensationalize, I would say I am now living on my second life. And you know what they say, those who have seen the light and managed to come back live their lives bolder and wiser the next time around. But I did not see no light. But heck, lemme live bolder and wiser just the same. I will not go on enumerating how I will. But I will.
I would like to end this entry by saying thank you to my dear ones who keep me in their prayers. I do not just cheat death with them but more importantly, I am able to live my everyday through your supplication. And to you, my reader, please count even your tiniest blessings. And no matter how short and simple, say a prayer for each of them :) After all, if your opportunity to do so has come to pass, are there really second chances?
I suppose it's God's way of telling me yet again that everything can be take from me, my breath including, with just one swift motion.
Precy and I made a pact never to tell anyone about my little accident in Macau. But then I had to tell my sister about it the same night. And here I am, writing about it.
You know how it is in right-hand traffic countries....
I, coming from a lefty country, by muscle recall and thoughtlessness in doing something very routinary of course looked to the left first before crossing the street. KABOOOOOOM!!!
I heard a loud banging sound. My water bottle flew in the air and landed a couple of meters away from me. The lady on the passenger seat looked at me with her jaw dropped, apparently terrified by what just happened. It took a while for me to realize I have been freaking hit by a car. The driver of the car got down (Precy had to help me recall this part of the story as I was majorly disoriented right after the incident) to check on me but what he said, aside from being indecipherable Chinese, simply slurred out of my consciousness. I instinctively just looked at my body, checking for its parts, making sure the limbs were still properly attached to the torso. But because my eyes were strained by the punishing summer heat and because I was still in shock, I did not get to check for bleeding, not that there was any. The last thing I checked before sending the driver away, absolved from his (my) carelessness was my camera. I did not remember a lot of things then but it was clear to me that Diesel (my SLR) got hit. After testing a few photos and seeing the preview function was still working, I immediately dismissed the driver who was obviously in great disbelief as I was. That was it. I did not get his ID, nor took note of his car plate. I just thought I'm lucky to be alive. If there was any reason for me to see a doctor, I figured I can just pay for it. Literally just a small price to pay for having my life spared.
I was still a little agitated during the ferry trip back to Hong Kong later that evening so I messaged my bestfriend, asking her to say a little prayer of gratitude for me. Her reply hit it spot on when she said buti na lang listo ang guardian angel mo. If there were a good way of getting hit as a pedestrian, that was probably it. (Twisted, huh?)
If i were to sensationalize, I would say I am now living on my second life. And you know what they say, those who have seen the light and managed to come back live their lives bolder and wiser the next time around. But I did not see no light. But heck, lemme live bolder and wiser just the same. I will not go on enumerating how I will. But I will.
I would like to end this entry by saying thank you to my dear ones who keep me in their prayers. I do not just cheat death with them but more importantly, I am able to live my everyday through your supplication. And to you, my reader, please count even your tiniest blessings. And no matter how short and simple, say a prayer for each of them :) After all, if your opportunity to do so has come to pass, are there really second chances?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Let's get physical!
I haven't had a good run in eons! My last run was my last race (July19) and I'm racing again this Saturday. Yes, with zero conditioning. What am I thinking? Sigh. I'm dying to have a lung-busting run. Hopefully the weather cooperates tonight.
Still about endorphins... I miss the NBA. And the next ATP Grand Slam.
Life without road running, basketball and tennis is such a bore.
Still about endorphins... I miss the NBA. And the next ATP Grand Slam.
Life without road running, basketball and tennis is such a bore.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Closing Loops
Today, I say goodbye to two people- one considered a national treasure; the other, equally dear but more on a personal level.
I heard about former President Corazon Aquino’s passing this morning on the radio. The host of the show was on the phone with Brother Eddie Villanueva, asking him to account his most touching memory of Tita Cory. I am from a generation that is too young to remember the events of the People Power Revolution of ’86, and my knowledge of the Aquinos’ mark in history consists mostly of their youngest Kris’s very public mishaps. Yet I felt myself tight on the throat, as if to shed tears any moment during that car ride.
Yes, we studied her and Senator Ninoy in History class but I am a bit skewed towards being apolitical and apathetic (partly because of frustration and exasperation over the vicious cycles we allow to happen) so I only have textbook knowledge of “that” turning point in Philippine history. On paper, I should not be one to quickly sing her ode. But with the very little I know, I thank God for allowing Senator Ninoy and Tita Cory to happen to Philippine democracy. The Edsa Revolution was one of the countries better times. As a believer of the wonders an empowered individual can make, I think Edsa was a pretty awesome display of the greater power of people coming together with one conviction. And moreover, it is a testament that "it can be done". I'd hate to think our country is going to the dogs.

May the Lord bless the soul of Tita Cory and may show her mercy. May He comfort her family at their time of grieving. And may every Filipino honor and uphold what Ninoy and Tita Cory shed their lives for.
Now we come to the more bitter goodbye. Thankfully, nobody else I know passed away today. Rather, today I say goodbye to a mentor, running buddy and a dear friend as she leaves for Tokyo to embark on a new adventure with her family.
Unlike my garbled memories of Tita Cory, I remember very well my first encounter with Lisa Marie. She is 1/3 responsible for my stint in NBO as she was one of the 3 people who interviewed me when I was a Marketing consultant wannabe 2 years ago. On my day of the interview I remember finding her pretty and one who asks a lot of difficult questions. It was soon after my hiring that I had the great opportunity to have my life intertwined with that of a beautiful soul. The one year I spent with her as my Project Manager, no doubt, was the most important year of my career. I consider Lisa as my first real mentor. It is with her that I learned a strong sense of work ethics, getting my work done excellently and on time, and forcing the client to agree with our recommendations by being charming. I would forever thank God for the one year she, Caloy and I spent as a team for Homeworks. That was the first time in all my years of working that I knew I was in a good place, under the guidance of the best bosses ever (together with the other people we work with).
There are many other wonderful things I would miss about Lisa: her being a proud mother to Bea and Joaquin and husband to Eric; her being the resident NBO clown; her being my fellow running aficionado- the one person who gets me when I share my highs and lows as a runner; her kind and gentle ways; and how she just literally lights up the room with her wit and pleasant disposition. The enumeration does not end there. I just figured I had to use the word ‘and’ at some point. And did I say she’s really really funny? And did I say she’s brilliant? And did I say everyone who had the great opportunity to meet her will surely agree with everything I’ve said so far (about Lisa, that is; not necessarily about Tita Cory).
Heaven help me I suck at goodbyes. And it does not get any easier if the person you bid farewell to is someone you love and deeply care about…
Haaay Lis, I will always have the fondest memories of you. Thank you for being such a positive force in my life. I have learned so much from you and you continue to be an inspiration not just in my chosen career but in being a woman of character. Thank you for marking my resume with your seal of approval. The 2 years I have spent with NBO, working with you, Alice and Arnie are considered one of my biggest achievements as an adult. Thanks for being the best cubiclemate ever. Our daily exchange about Pinoy showbiz, running and boys and anything and everything under the sun will be missed. You will be missed. Awfully missed.
It is my sincerest prayer that your family prospers in Tokyo. May you touch many lives there as you have here. May God bless you and keep you, Eric Bea and Joaquin always. And don’t worry, I’ll take you up on that offer. This is not it for us. Like I said, give me until next year to visit you in Tokyo :-)
I will hold my breath until the day we hit the road together again. For now, may you run your new race all the way to the finish line.

I heard about former President Corazon Aquino’s passing this morning on the radio. The host of the show was on the phone with Brother Eddie Villanueva, asking him to account his most touching memory of Tita Cory. I am from a generation that is too young to remember the events of the People Power Revolution of ’86, and my knowledge of the Aquinos’ mark in history consists mostly of their youngest Kris’s very public mishaps. Yet I felt myself tight on the throat, as if to shed tears any moment during that car ride.
Yes, we studied her and Senator Ninoy in History class but I am a bit skewed towards being apolitical and apathetic (partly because of frustration and exasperation over the vicious cycles we allow to happen) so I only have textbook knowledge of “that” turning point in Philippine history. On paper, I should not be one to quickly sing her ode. But with the very little I know, I thank God for allowing Senator Ninoy and Tita Cory to happen to Philippine democracy. The Edsa Revolution was one of the countries better times. As a believer of the wonders an empowered individual can make, I think Edsa was a pretty awesome display of the greater power of people coming together with one conviction. And moreover, it is a testament that "it can be done". I'd hate to think our country is going to the dogs.

May the Lord bless the soul of Tita Cory and may show her mercy. May He comfort her family at their time of grieving. And may every Filipino honor and uphold what Ninoy and Tita Cory shed their lives for.
Now we come to the more bitter goodbye. Thankfully, nobody else I know passed away today. Rather, today I say goodbye to a mentor, running buddy and a dear friend as she leaves for Tokyo to embark on a new adventure with her family.
Unlike my garbled memories of Tita Cory, I remember very well my first encounter with Lisa Marie. She is 1/3 responsible for my stint in NBO as she was one of the 3 people who interviewed me when I was a Marketing consultant wannabe 2 years ago. On my day of the interview I remember finding her pretty and one who asks a lot of difficult questions. It was soon after my hiring that I had the great opportunity to have my life intertwined with that of a beautiful soul. The one year I spent with her as my Project Manager, no doubt, was the most important year of my career. I consider Lisa as my first real mentor. It is with her that I learned a strong sense of work ethics, getting my work done excellently and on time, and forcing the client to agree with our recommendations by being charming. I would forever thank God for the one year she, Caloy and I spent as a team for Homeworks. That was the first time in all my years of working that I knew I was in a good place, under the guidance of the best bosses ever (together with the other people we work with).
There are many other wonderful things I would miss about Lisa: her being a proud mother to Bea and Joaquin and husband to Eric; her being the resident NBO clown; her being my fellow running aficionado- the one person who gets me when I share my highs and lows as a runner; her kind and gentle ways; and how she just literally lights up the room with her wit and pleasant disposition. The enumeration does not end there. I just figured I had to use the word ‘and’ at some point. And did I say she’s really really funny? And did I say she’s brilliant? And did I say everyone who had the great opportunity to meet her will surely agree with everything I’ve said so far (about Lisa, that is; not necessarily about Tita Cory).
Heaven help me I suck at goodbyes. And it does not get any easier if the person you bid farewell to is someone you love and deeply care about…
Haaay Lis, I will always have the fondest memories of you. Thank you for being such a positive force in my life. I have learned so much from you and you continue to be an inspiration not just in my chosen career but in being a woman of character. Thank you for marking my resume with your seal of approval. The 2 years I have spent with NBO, working with you, Alice and Arnie are considered one of my biggest achievements as an adult. Thanks for being the best cubiclemate ever. Our daily exchange about Pinoy showbiz, running and boys and anything and everything under the sun will be missed. You will be missed. Awfully missed.
It is my sincerest prayer that your family prospers in Tokyo. May you touch many lives there as you have here. May God bless you and keep you, Eric Bea and Joaquin always. And don’t worry, I’ll take you up on that offer. This is not it for us. Like I said, give me until next year to visit you in Tokyo :-)
I will hold my breath until the day we hit the road together again. For now, may you run your new race all the way to the finish line.

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