Sunday, June 27, 2010

If 2009 was a plateau, then this year...

I should be happy. I'm living a dream after another. First, I was able to run my first marathon last May. (Yahooooooo!!!!!)

Now, I'm working for a company that has given me a bigger role-- one that allows me to run my own show (or does it?), mentor 3 girls my junior, and do stuff that would actually jack up my market value in the industry. I've even been published in Philippine Star. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be read in a reputable broadsheet or magazine. Last Father's day I even had a whole section all to myself.

Being called a MARATHONER is like no other, no doubt about it. =)

But the job... the job... Is this the kind of life I want? I'm scared to answer this question right now since everything points to a not so good place... The hours are oppressive, the culture is faaaaaar from ideal, there are a lot of causes of inefficiencies at the workplace, and at the end of the day, it really does feel like I'm breaking my back to make sure the matriarch keeps a deep pocket. And oh, I am so uninspired. Forget the others... but without inspiration? Really, am I just a train wreck waiting to happen?

Haaay Lord, please help me. Humble me and teach me patience. And most of all, please speak to me everyday. I need to know if I'm moving to the right direction...

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