Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reflections in the shower

I think-

Your thoughts in the shower are pretty accurate gauge of where you are in your life at the present.

If morning bath is multitasked with planning out your day and how to execute your duties, then probably things at work are tough. It must be really, really tough if you don’t even get to shower at all.

If shower is consumed by thoughts of how screwed up your last relationship was (that you forgotten if you’ve soaped already), then probably you’re at a time you’re nursing the heart.

If it is spent reflecting on the past- the good and/or the bad parts of the story- then probably you’re gearing for a big moment. Sometimes, even unknowingly.

Bath time is less soapy than we think it is. So you might have guessed it, you probably know when I thought of all these. =)


  1. Did you know that Mr. O realized he loves me in the shower? Wala lang! :-)

  2. Funnyyyy!!!! There you go! Showering is more important in more ways than one! :D

  3. Gusto ko din yang love in the shower, hihihi.

    But for now, my morning bath is for humming happy tunes, thinking of interesting images and other stuff that might fit in the day's checklist. Like a fine time to shake and rinse both sides of the brain. Come to think of it! You're right. Aside from being essential to the hygiene, it's also for the inner well-being. :)
