Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Keep your word even if it costs you

I am not genetically designed to be understanding of flakers. Let alone flakers who wait the last minute to ditch you.

I don't get it. We all complain there are too few hours in a day that we end up juggling tasks, wing some and totally put off the others just so our sanity remains intact. And yet, some people are amazingly negligent of how you lovingly set aside a good fraction of your day for them. I don't get it. I don't think I ever will.

This ranting does not even stem from the fact that people give you very little room to turn your schedule around. Much more than that, my issue comes from this thing we call RESPECT. I am busy too. I run too. I feel like doing something else too... Please show a little respect for the trade-offs I have to deal with, too.

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