Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Talkin' about fine lines...

Never apologize for your success.
That's totally different from letting them get into your head.


The reason you don't see the fine line between having a strong opinion and being condescending is that... well, you are probably stepping on it.


Just for this one sweet, short moment, lemme pat myself on the back...

God knows how much of yourself-- time, talent, cerebral activity, determination, and every effort not to snap-- you've put on this project that you are working on. Now that the pieces are coming together nicely, forming some semblance of substance, I just wanna say that you, Rowena, are the man!

There's still a long way to go and until you have crossed the final hurdle on Sunday, you can not declare this battle won. But until then, rejoice in the fact that that you have just crossed a fine line... from being a pawn to being something a bit more posh than that. Check you out, you are now a bishop! How's that!

Go go go Wins!!! You can do it, babe! :)

I am in awe of your new-found patience. Now get you butt back to work! :)


Ad mojorem dei gloriam :)

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